May 24, 2016

Hello dear Sir,

While it has been some time since I have updated this site, there have been many occasions I've persuaded myself to wait for the right time. The past few years have been quite the process of discovery for myself as I believe it has been for you.

I hope you still have that promise I gave you. The oh-so-beautiful golden brown leaf.

My adoration for you has become stronger having witnessed how much more beautiful & interesting a person you have grown into, inside and out. I am so proud of you. Even more-so knowing that this can only have happened with the very difficult decision of "taking a break" a few years back.

At that time, I was scared to lose you. To see you go off, grow into a different person, and be a stranger who would choose to no longer be a part of my life. At first I had hoped for a positive outcome. But slowly realized that I had to have "patience and faith".

While we thought we had put a pause on us, we had actually ended a relationship that was defined by - and carried the expectations of - traditional relationships. Because of this we have expanded the capacity for each of us to grow as individuals, and in particular for myself to mature emotionally. I realize that this was a painful decision, but the right one to make at the time. I am relieved, but not surprised, to see that after some time apart we have grown closer and more mature since. Thank you for taking the initiative to push for this - for the both of us.

I respect the path we have taken, while looking toward the future and honoring my promise and commitment to you; to allow my love to evolve with ever-shifting seasons. With that being said, I believe Winter is over and Spring is here.

Make no mistake, I do not wish to go back to the way things were. I was weaker, immature, and quite dependent. Rather, what I do wish, is to see us be a couple that are dependent on no one else, yet with strength and support behind one another - regardless of distance and what passions, interests, and hobbies we occupy our own lives with.

I wish to be your other half but in the sense that a "power couple" is. Where each half is in-fact whole. That when we do come together we will have that much more fulfillment, love, and support in our lives - and perhaps just as importantly, someone who will share special moments in each of our lives. You and I will continue to live our lives wherever we each choose. We can visit and catch up as it makes sense. We do not need to change anything because of a title. We are the authors of our own futures, and we should each write it fabulously. You have your fabulous Tiffany Pen and you are already doing so.

So with that being said, my proposition to you is this...

Sir, I want you to be just be who you are. I, want to be just who I am. But, I want us to be even stronger and better off knowing exactly what we have - ourselves AND each other.

I love you, Lovebug. I look forward to discussing this with you whenever you see this. See me, write me, or call me. But either way, I anticipate your response.

With all of my heart - Always.
