Hi my Lovebug,
Happy Valentine's Day my Wonderful.
I was stressing over what to get or do for you for Valentine's Day this year. I thought of many many things I wanted to do or get you, so many that I probably forgot some of them. However, I wanted to list out some of the things that I was thinking might be possibilities...and why they weren't perfect enough for my Love:
Homemade chocolate lollipops in the shape of hearts... Walmart sells them ~_~. Not nearly special or unique enough to express my love!
A video montage of us, in the style of a romance movie trailer...I barely have any videos of you longer than 5 seconds, but TONS of photos!
A certificate to get a nice massage and relaxing day 'at the spa'... I quit SCSU and don't have that money anymore. Yet ;)
Homemade dinner of some of your favorite foods... I don't have my own home, yet! But I promise to do this one day for you.
The colorful blue pants at Marshall's that you liked... didn't have your size still and I felt this wouldn't be an ideal gift for v-day... too 'materialistic'. I wanted to give something from my heart.
So many other smaller things... Nothing big enough to show you how much I love you!
So, I decided to stop trying so darn hard to express how much I love you...more than I do every day when I tell you I love you. And then it hit me. The perfect card to make you. So I drew some lovebugs, and what the lovebug turns into, and does to me. Gives me butterflies in my tummy! I did when we first met, and still do.
I love you always my Lovebug.